1) Click “Sign in” and log into your account. If you do not have a giving account, then click the “Create One” button below the “Login With MinistryID” button. If you do not want to create an account, then you can enter your payment information after completing the following steps. 
2) Choose “One-time” for a one-time gift or “Recurring” to set up recurring gift.
3) Next, select the “Fund” dropdown menu and choose the category that you desire to give to. Just like the offering envelopes, there are three options for giving: the general fund, building fund, and missions fund.
4) Enter the amount that you desire to give into the “amount” box. Again, just like the offering envelopes, you can give to any of the categories.
5) If you chose a one-time gift, then click submit and you are all set. If you chose a recurring gift, then select the “Frequency” drop down menu and choose your desired frequency. Then, choose your desired start date, and click submit. Remember that you can edit your recurring gift at anytime.
6) If you did not create an account, then you can enter your payment information at this time.